Monday, September 14, 2009

Back on Track

After being away for so long, I am finally signing in to update everyone. It's fall of 2009 and its been a very busy spring and summer with shows just about every weekend. I have been lucky enough to have had a lot of repeat business on my fused glass and wire art jewelry and I want to thank all of my wonderful customers who have kept me going. I'd like to see more action on my website, but it is still a work in progress and I have been adding new items all summer long. I updated my site on Etsy this past summer and am now selling all vintage items which fuels my other passion. You can find me as a seller under Glasscreekstudio or go to if you love vintage like I do. This time of year I always get a yearning for my old costume shop and all the fall activities that lead up to it here in Carson City, Nevada, especially the Ghost Walk in the old historic district. I love the allure of the old haunted houses and stories of ghosts from the past and I especially miss the feeling of fall and the look that the downtown takes on when the leaves start to leave the trees and fall finally settles in for its short visit before winter arrives. I love this time of year when everything takes on a sharper image and the clouds stand stark against a crisp blue sky.
I continue to work at my craft and have started working with semi precious stones and adding beaded necklaces to my line. I have combined some of the fused pieces to these stone necklaces and have added some of these to my website under "Necklaces". I am working on new lines and expanding and fine tuning them with the idea of wholesaling next spring so I can start to slowly phase out as many shows as I have been doing. It would give me a chance to put more creativity into my work.
All in all, I am just taking one day at a time and hoping that the economy comes back soon so all of us can breath a little easier.

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