Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Some like it Hot!

This has been quite the week with temps close to 100 degrees..........and just when we are getting ready to head north.
Our last show was in Tucson this past weekend and like most of the shows this season, it was fairly average. What's to become of artists trying to sell their wares? So many of us just want to do what is an expression of ourselves and to share with the public that which identifies our very beings and brings others joy. Spring is definitely here in the Sonoran Desert and the wildflowers and cactus compete to show off their colorful blooms. We spent a casual day at Boyce Arboretum where the display of plant life was a feast for one's eyes with bursts of color at every corner of the park. I love this place!
It will be harder to leave the desert this year than times past, but I'll hold the memory in my mind like a mother holds her child and rock it ever so gently to sleep until its time to share more moments together.